The word baptise in the original Greek language literally means to go under the water. This is why our usual practice is to baptise people by completely immersing them under water (for a few seconds!). However, we recognise that in some circumstances it may not be practical or possible for a person to be fully immersed. In this instance we are very happy to discuss alternative methods of baptism.
Getting baptised is a way of telling your family and friends that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Saviour and have entered into a personal relationship with him. It also shows that you have chosen to start a life-long journey of learning to live life the way God intends us to live.
Baptism symbolises that a person has chosen to turn away from, “die to”, their previous sin-filled life, be buried with Jesus Christ in His death and have been raised with him into a new life as a “born again” follower of Christ.
Being baptised doesn’t make you a Christian or “wash away” your sins. Baptism is a symbol of what already happened in someone’s life; that they have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.
Not being baptised does not keep you from becoming a Christian, but we believe baptism is an important act of obedience to Jesus.
Here are a few pictures of recent baptisms at Barnwell.

In these photos we see Helen Zhang and Judy Zanone-Frost being baptised during one of our morning services. Both gave moving testimonies about their lives and respective journeys to faith, and were welcomed into membership of the church too.

If you've ever wondered why Baptist Churches insist on getting folk so wet, or would like to find out more about getting baptised yourself, contact Stuart Wood by e-mail or phone the Church Office on 01223 292454.
Matt Gooding, 12/10/2010